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The baby of Robin and her boyfriend Jonas is stillborn. Horribly. Their world is turned upside down. Their dreams shatter. Completely defeated, they try to come to grips with their situation. Meanwhile, Robin's breasts begin to produce milk and she has to start pumping. Robin has a hard time just throwing this milk away and wants to donate the milk so that her body will still produce something positive. Her refrigerator fills up with many bottles. Yet donating the pumped milk proves more difficult than expected. The more opposition Robin receives, however, the more determined she becomes. She must and will give her milk a worthy destination.

Milk is primarily a film...

The baby of Robin and her boyfriend Jonas is stillborn. Horribly. Their world is turned upside down. Their dreams shatter. Completely defeated, they try to come to grips with their situation. Meanwhile, Robin's breasts begin to produce milk and she has to start pumping. Robin has a hard time just throwing this milk away and wants to donate the milk so that her body will still produce something positive. Her refrigerator fills up with many bottles. Yet donating the pumped milk proves more difficult than expected. The more opposition Robin receives, however, the more determined she becomes. She must and will give her milk a worthy destination.

Milk is primarily a film about grieving and shows one of the many ways this can happen. Robin has her own way. As a society, we have ideas about what a grieving person should look like. With a grieving mother, we have many more. Robin is a quiet, brave rebel and she rebels against the way of grieving that the concerned environment expects of her. She must discover her own path and does so with sincerity.
