Comedytunes Comedynight

An evening enjoying a good dose of humor, by sitting in a relaxed chair!
On a Comedytunes comedy night you always see the best comedians of the Netherlands and an MC who talks the evening together. The comedians tell the most absurd and hilarious stories at a high pace. You will notice that you start to relax, laugh and stress hormones disappear. Comedians' wacky stories automatically make you produce endorphins and happiness hormones. After an evening of Comedytunes Comedynights, you will find yourself standing outside again feeling refreshed and energized. Treat yourself to that full tank of endorphins and that fresh and energetic feeling.
Sjoerd Janssen
Everything that seems obvious is...
An evening enjoying a good dose of humor, by sitting in a relaxed chair!
At a Comedytunes comedy night you always see the best comedians of the Netherlands and an MC who talks the evening together. The comedians tell the most absurd and hilarious stories at a high pace. You will notice that you start to relax, laugh and stress hormones disappear. Comedians' wacky stories automatically make you produce endorphins and happiness hormones. After an evening of Comedytunes Comedynights, you will find yourself standing outside again feeling refreshed and energized. Treat yourself to that full tank of endorphins and that fresh and energetic feeling.
Sjoerd Janssen
Everything that seems obvious is a day job for Sjoerd Janssen. For Sjoerd, the social playing field turns into a chessboard, where every possible move must be thought out. But he can't play chess at all. So then it makes perfect sense that there could be glass in a cotton candy, small-talk is a task and OV bikes are your enemy. His comedy is so other-worldly that it becomes relatable. Sjoerd is everything you need on a comedy night, he is dry, weird and unworldly!
Stefan Hendrikx
Stefan Hendrikx took his first steps on stage as a stand-up comedian not so long ago but turned out to be a natural. Stefan has everything the audience is looking for in a comedian: well thought out jokes, an energetic performance and the charisma of someone who feels at home on stage. Stefan has won the Leids Cabaretfestival and next season he will play in theaters with his first full-length program. Stefan is a talent you want to discover!
Jeroen Leenders
Jeroen Leenders is one of the bigger names in the Belgian comedy scene. He is also the first Belgian to officially join the Comedytrain. His show The Jeroen Leenders Experience is a great success time and again. When Jeroen performs at Comedytunes Comedynights, he is always the headliner and time after time he shows why he is.
Emiel van der Logt
Besides solo programs, Emiel plays stand-up throughout the Netherlands and Belgium. For example, he performed at the Zwarte Cross, Concert at Sea and Paaspop. He tells his stories full of conviction, high energy and the tangible feeling of fun. Without filter and certainly not politically correct: Emiel always manages to capture big issues in a delightfully humorous way.
- Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 8:30 p.m.
- € 17,75