Our Lady's Tower

The Our Lieve Vrouwetoren is one of the most famous landmarks in Amersfoort. Boulderers also call this 98-meter tall tower the Lange Jan. A real eye-catcher, it rises beautifully above our city. Guest blogger Chanou and I climbed the tower together with Han Brugmans of Gilde Amersfoort. Whether you are born and raised in Amersfoort or not; you want to have done this. Even if you, like me, have a 'bit' of vertigo....

Our Lieve Vrouwetoren

Onze Lieve Vrouwetoren Amersfoort
Did you know that the Our Lieve Vrouwetoren is the cadastral datum of the Netherlands? With green lights, this point is clearly visible in the floor of the tower. What else makes the tower special is that it is the third tallest late-medieval tower in the Netherlands. On, in and around the tower there is plenty to experience. For example, the Waterline sails past the tower and the Our Lieve Vrouwetoren is usually the starting point of various city walks.

At the foot of the tower you will find the Lieve Vrouwekerkhof. I come here regularly for the many and cozy catering establishments. Think Stadscafé Amersfoort, 't Kannetje and Marktzicht. For an evening out you are at theaterDe Lieve Vrouwon the square to the right place.

What to expect.

torenbeklimming amersfoort het gilde
Get out your athletic clothes, because such a tower climb is quite a workout. You go up about 70 meters and step on 343 steps. Fortunately, you don't have to go up all at once and there are several stops during the tour. The view, of course, makes it more than worth it. ;-)

During the tour, Han will tell you all about the Our Lieve Vrouwetoren and come up with unique stories. In addition, a video installation has been built in the tower, allowing you to watch and listen to other stories as well.

The impressive timber loft

De Houtzolder torenbeklimming Amersfoort
One of the intermediate stops is the wood attic. Here you get to see the carillons, which are the instruments a carillonneur plays. You also get to see more parts of the tower, including the hand of the clock. And it was a lot bigger than I expected.

A piece of history...

geschiedenis torenbeklimming amersfoort
History about Amersfoort boring? Well really not. Han turns the tower climb into a party and comes up with interesting facts about our burgundian city and the tower itself, of course. ;-) So Chanou and I found out during the tour that Amersfoort has the heaviest musical instrument in the world. Namely, the 100 bells, including 7 swinging bells, that hang in the tower.

What makes the climb so special

Uitzicht torenbeklimming Amersfoort
The special thing about the tower climb is the view. Amersfoort is of course beautiful, but at a height of 70 meters you can clearly see the beautiful streets forming the city. The red/orange roofs and the mix of old and new makes our Keistad extra special. You can even see the Utrecht Heuvelrug. Will you manage to spot your favorite Amersfoort spot?

There is always room to take a few nice snapshots of both the tower and Amersfoort. You may also get your picture taken with Han, just like us! ;-)

Let's go!

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