Skeelering is an activity I've enjoyed doing since I was young. Running is not my thing and walking got a little tired after a while too. Now that the temperatures are starting to rise and the sun is shining more, it is great to get out and skate through Amersfoort again. I prefer to follow the skating route along the Eem. During this route you skate on a fine road and you can make the route as long as you want.

Getting started right away? You can find the skate route at the bottom of the blog.

They see me rollin'...

skeeleren amersfoort koppelpoortAs the start of the route I take the beautiful Koppelpoort. No matter how long you live in Amersfoort, this fairy-tale land and water gate never bores. From here you skate through and pass several places. A nice mix of old and new, but also lots of nature.

You are about +/- 90 minutes on the road and have covered about 12 km after this round trip. In the beginning the road can be a bit bumpy, but along the Eem you have a good paved stretch. This is what you can expect from the route:

Are you fanatical and want to make even more miles? Then instead of following the Amsterdamseweg towards the center, you can turn right after the Motorsaloon Harley-Davidson towards Superfun. Then you can continue the route via The Amersfoort Zoo, back to the old familiar center.

Why this rollerblading route?

skeeleren amersfoort de nieuwe stadThe special thing about this route is that you pass different places in Amersfoort and thus see the diversity of the city. You already start with a unique starting point, the Koppelpoort, and then within a few kilometers you are at the Eem. Here you ride through peaceful nature and past historic bunkers. Despite being close to the city center, you are still away from the busy center for a while.

In addition, the nice thing about this route is that along the Eem you have many opportunities to rest. You can even have a picnic on one of the picnic benches or just relax in the grass. You won't get bored for a second during this route because you will see something different every time!

Time for a tasty finale

skeeleren amersfoort kroostAfter your rollerblading workout, it's important to reward yourself. I did that with a cappucino at KROAST. But there are many more coffee shops in Amersfoort you can visit. Check out the Amersfoort coffee bucket list for inspiration.

Don't feel like coffee and are you ready to cool down? Then you can end your rollerblading adventure with an ice cream at one of the many ice cream parlors in Amersfoort. Think for example of Vitelli or Tutti Gelati.

Ready to rollerblade

skeeleren amersfoort fietsbrugAre you going to follow the skate route yourself? Or do you know another fun route through Amersfoort? Let us know at or tag us on social media with the hashtag #skeelereninamersfoort. Have fun!

Tip: Doyou want to learn the basic skills of inline skating first? Then join Start2Skate at IJsvereniging AIJV. If you get the hang of it, you can eventually skate routes within a tour group. This way you can discover even more beautiful places around Amersfoort!