Jim Bakkum - Old learned, young done


Coninckstraat 60
3811 WK Amersfoort
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In 2023 it will have been 20 years since then 15-year-old Jim Bakkum broke through in the talent show Idols. How did he undergo the craziness at such a young age and what is it like to grow up in the spotlight?

His new musical theater showOld Learned, Young Donereflects on all the high-profile events and milestones that the past few years have brought.
What is it like to grow up in the entertainment world where everything revolves around age, outward appearance, image and credibility?

Through his personal stories and memories, Jim will take his audience - with a heavy dose of self-mockery - through an evening of music accompanied by his fantastic band.

The year 2003. I was leading a completely different life than my peers.
Immaculate, I began the rollercoaster that would take me to many places at a young age.

In 2023 it will have been 20 years since then 15-year-old Jim Bakkum broke through in the talent show Idols. How did he undergo the craziness at such a young age and what is it like to grow up in the spotlight?

His new musical theater showOld Learned, Young Donereflects on all the high-profile events and milestones that the past few years have brought.
What is it like to grow up in the entertainment world where everything revolves around age, outward appearance, image and credibility?

Through his personal stories and memories, Jim will take his audience - with a heavy dose of self-mockery - through an evening of music accompanied by his fantastic band.

The year 2003. I was leading a completely different life than my peers.
Immaculate, I began the rollercoaster that would take me to many places at a young age.
The rollercoaster that would later leave such a huge mark, that becoming an adult occasionally confuses me.
Who am I really? Do I long to be the man I have become or do I try to hold on as long as possible to the little boy I see fading more and more in the mirror?....- Jim Bakkum -


  • Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 8:15 p.m.


  • € 24,50 Additional costs: € 1 administration fee per ticket with a maximum of € 5 per order Cloakroom and a drink during intermission or after the performance (if there is no intermission) are included in the admission price.
