
Take a look in advance

André and Vera are sure of it: they are going to conquer the world with their new, revolutionary health app for women. Before they can present their startup to potential investors, they must first undergo an intensive training program. Because Vera wants to get rid of her smoking addiction - smoking doesn't really fit nicely with the content of their app - she decides to go under hypnosis. The session takes place a day before the start of the training weekend and has far-reaching consequences. The initially docile Vera turns out to be an uninhibited projectile. No way is she going to conform to society's expectations of her womanhood anymore. Her change in behavior could not come at a more inappropriate time. How will they ever find an investor this way...?

Director Ernst De Gee...

André and Vera are sure of it: they are going to conquer the world with their new, revolutionary health app for women. Before they can present their startup to potential investors, they must first undergo an intensive training program. Because Vera wants to get rid of her smoking addiction - smoking doesn't really fit nicely with the content of their app - she decides to go under hypnosis. The session takes place a day before the start of the training weekend and has far-reaching consequences. The initially docile Vera turns out to be an uninhibited projectile. No way is she going to conform to society's expectations of her womanhood anymore. Her change in behavior could not come at a more inappropriate time. How will they ever find an investor this way...?

Director Ernst De Geer zooms in on conflicting interests between work and relationship and the openness we assume as a pose in order to market ourselves as authentically and quirky as possible. Now that Vera is suddenly very straightforward, her friend and companion André gets a taste of his own medicine. Where he initially took the reigns, he now gets his own "mansplaining" business ethos thrown back at his head like a boomerang.

Hypnosis is a witty and sharp satire of the modern obsession with self-actualization. Loving someone certainly means wanting to help the other person find the truest version of themselves. But what if that version is no longer so pleasing to yourself?

