Club Zero

Take a look in advance

The scene is an exclusive private school for teenagers from wealthy families. The students themselves, in their uniform of yellow T-shirt and shorts, speak in a curt manner. The headmistress, Mrs. Dorset (Sidse Babett Knudsen), is proud of her dynamic, progressive school. She has recently hired a charismatic new teacher, Ms. Novak (Mia Wasikowska), who markets her own brand of healthy tea and teaches a "Conscious Eating" course. This is a mindfulness and meditation course aimed at reducing the wasteful and harmful way we indulge in processed foods. Students can get college credit for what seems to be a fairly undemanding discipline. A boy may even qualify for a free scholarship the following year.

The evangelical pass...

The scene is an exclusive private school for teenagers from wealthy families. The students themselves, in their uniform of yellow T-shirt and shorts, speak in a curt manner. The headmistress, Mrs. Dorset (Sidse Babett Knudsen), is proud of her dynamic, progressive school. She has recently hired a charismatic new teacher, Ms. Novak (Mia Wasikowska), who markets her own brand of healthy tea and teaches a "Conscious Eating" course. This is a mindfulness and meditation course aimed at reducing the wasteful and harmful way we indulge in processed foods. Students can get college credit for what seems to be a fairly undemanding discipline. A boy may even qualify for a free scholarship the following year.

Mrs. Novak's evangelical passion for the subject enchants five students in her class. Then she tells them that they are the secret privileged ones who will form the core of her revolutionary Club Zero, young people who will survive on no food at all. The headmistress and the students' parents do not realize what is going on until it is actually too late.

