Eem Monastery


Daam Fockemalaan 22
3818KG Amersfoort
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Outside the city, the Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Eem convent complex, one of the largest in the Netherlands, was built between 1931-1933. This rare example of Delft School architecture in Amersfoort was designed by architect B.J. Koldewey (1895-1958) for the Sisters of Our Lady of Amersfoort. The complex included a convent for the nuns, a chapel and two girls' schools with boarding schools.

Initially there was room for one hundred girls and after an expansion in 1938 for two hundred. After the war the lyceum was also enlarged, but ten years later the number of students was already declining. In 1981, the boarding school was closed and parts of the convent were rented out. In 2008, the last sisters left. The Eemklooster now houses many heritage institutions.
