Take a look in advance

MEI is a sustainable and future-proof place, where you feel at home while being stimulated and challenged. A place where the synergy between nature, cuisine and you is at its best.

Inspired by the atmosphere of progressive restaurants in Berlin, MEI's design is fresh, inviting and open. Truly a place where you feel welcome and in keeping with the transparency with which MEI tells its story.

MEI kitchen

MEI 's dishes are uncomplicated, quirky and heartfelt. With the goal of making your le...

MEI is a sustainable and future-proof place, where you feel at home while being stimulated and challenged. A place where the synergy between nature, cuisine and you is at its best.

Inspired by the atmosphere of progressive restaurants in Berlin, MEI's design is fresh, inviting and open. Truly a place where you feel welcome and in keeping with the transparency with which MEI tells its story.

MEI kitchen

MEI 's dishes are uncomplicated, quirky and heartfelt. The aim is to literally and figuratively bring you closer to nature, the product and its preparation. On the menu, for example, you will find vegetables grown in a sustainable and organic manner and you will eat game that comes from the forests around Amersfoort. It couldn't be fresher and more sustainable. On your plate, these fantastic products play the leading role.

MEI in the Michelin Guide

Recently, a great article about MEI appeared in the Michelin Guide entitled "Marco Blok embraces sustainability." Use the link below to read how MEI came about and what the rationale behind MEI is. Click here for the article.
