Theater de Lieve Vrouw

Take a look in advance

De Lieve Vrouw has everything you need for a fun night out!

On the entertainment square of Amersfoort lies De Lieve Vrouw. With three movie theaters, a theater and a cozy café, De Lieve Vrouw is one of the few places in the Netherlands where performing arts, film and hospitality are united under one roof.

Come in for a cup of coffee and a piece of homemade apple pie and look around. In De Lieve Vrouw there is much beauty united! In the medium-sized, intimate theater, contemporary theater makers, dancers, comedians and world musicians perform their latest shows.

The three movie theaters show the latest films daily. On Monday afternoon, the (premiere) films that will run from Thursday through Wednesday are announced. At De Lieve Vrouw, enjoyment comes first and therefore in its movie theaters there are no breaks, popcorn or commercial advertisements!

De Lieve Vrouw offers everything: theater, film, music and youth theater.


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